Wednesday 23 November 2011

U-Turn Cam’s land: License to make money: Canned Tuna: Cafe millionaire: Bog standard pilot: and a Cat flap.

Still misty, murky, moist and miserable at the Castle this morn, the study is still overflowing with terminal thingies and the elbow is finally starting to feel better.

I see that despite all the austerity that abounds in broken Blighty

Our beloved Prime Monster has managed to scrape together £140,000 for a bit of land next to his Oxfordshire home.
It was disclosed on Tuesday that the Prime Minister paid almost £140,000 for the land, which was owned by Lord Chadlington, the brother of John Gummer, the former Conservative cabinet minister who is now a peer.
Lord Chadlington has long-standing links to Mr Cameron and donated £10,000 to him personally to fund his 2005 run for the Conservative leadership. He has donated more than £60,000 to the party since then. His company has donated a further £30,000 in the past three years.
Downing Street officials said the land had been independently valued at the price paid by Mr Cameron and that there was no conflict of interest. The deal was cleared at the highest level by Whitehall officials, they said.
He and his wife, Samantha, are recorded by the Land Registry as having paid £137,500 for the land. They are not recorded as having taken out a mortgage to cover the cost of the purchase.

But remember-“we are all in this together”.

The Dept of Very Lengthy Administration (DVLA) is looking to cash in on motorists by selling their names and addresses to wheel clampers and private parking companies at a profit.
The agency wants to plug a £100m gap in its finances by charging more than the current £2.50 administrative fee.
Last year the agency sold details of 1m motorists to more than 150 parking enforcement companies, angering driving groups.
The most expensive private parking ticket costs £150 – £30 more than the maximum fine for illegal parking in the heart of London.
Even the £150 figure, which was set down in the British Parking Association’s code of practice, is only voluntary.
While a motorist receiving a council parking ticket has a right of appeal to an independent adjudicator, no such safeguards exists for anyone “fined” for parking on private land.
Motorists have received private tickets – known as parking charge notices – for spending more than 20 minutes at a fast food outlet or even catching a few hours sleep for safety reasons at a motorway service station.
Private tickets are often enforced by debt collection agencies and occasionally even bailiffs have been involved.


Local fishing boat owner Carlos Rafael was elated when one of his trawlers snared an 881-pound blue fin tuna orf New Bedford Massachusetts earlier this month.
But the joy was short-lived. Federal fishery enforcement agents seized the fish when the crew returned to port Nov. 12.
Rafael had tuna permits but was told catching tuna with a net is illegal.
Instead, it's got to be caught by hand gear, such as rod and reel, harpoon or handline.
A fish that big is hugely valuable, prized by sushi-lovers for its tender red meat, a 754pound tuna recently sold for nearly $396,000.
Rafael's fish will be sold overseas, and he'll get no share of the proceeds if regulators find a violation, The Standard-Times reported ( ). The money would instead go into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fund that also holds money collected for fishery fines.

Bet Rafael is feeling a bit out of Tuna.

Police say a man wearing shorts and a tank top left a suitcase at Cafe Marco on Tuesday morning. Staff at first thought it might contain a bomb but it turned out to be stuffed with 50-dollar notes.
Officers arrested a man in connection with the incident Tuesday afternoon, said Senior Constable Chris Nash, a New South Wales police spokesman. Nash said the man then suffered an unknown medical problem and was taken to a local hospital where he remained under police guard Wednesday.
Nash said detectives probably will have to wait until the man recovers before asking him more questions about the cash. Police wouldn't say whether they think the arrested man is the one who left the case in the cafe.
A worker at the cafe said Wednesday that the man who left the case was "a bit nervous. He was really nervous."
"It's crazy, it's scary. Now we can laugh about it, but yesterday I was scared. I called the police," she said. She ended a telephone call to serve a customer before a reporter could ask her name, and a subsequent phone message left at the cafe was not immediately returned.
Nash said that if the money legitimately belongs to the man it would be returned to him. If the cash is proceeds from a crime it will likely be forfeited to the government. If the owner of the cash is not found, whoever discovered it could make a claim on it after three months.

Small change to U-Turn Cam.....

A pilot created a hijacking scare when he got stuck in the lavatory during a flight in the US.
The captain of the Delta flight accidentally locked himself in the bathroom during the flight from Asheville, North Carolina, to New York.
The co-pilot became alarmed and notified air-traffic control after a passenger, with a "thick foreign accent", tried to alert the cockpit of the problem.
The conversation between the co-pilot and the control tower was recorded and posted on air traffic control website
"He [the pilot] is stuck in the lav and someone with a thick foreign accent is giving me a password to access the cockpit - and I'm not about to let him in," the co-pilot said.
Indianapolis-based Chautauqua Airlines said the pilot had decided to answer the call of nature about 30 minutes from landing but had become trapped.

Vicious things those airplane toilets, they have been known to suck ones rear exit orf....

And finally: 

Kishwar Khan was surprised when an officer knocked at his door to tick him off about the behaviour of his ginger and white cat, Tinkerbell.
Mr Khan, 30, was told that a neighbour had phoned to report the cat for regularly going into his property, and asked by the policeman to keep her under control.
Mr Khan, from Pitsmoor, Sheffield said “Tinkerbell belongs to my three year old son Yaqoob and we love her. The policeman said Tinkerbell had been going on a neighbour's property and they had received an official complaint. He asked me to stop the cat from going into the neighbour's garden but how can I do that? It's perfectly normal for cats to wander around the neighbourhood when they are let out. Every cat does it.”
Inspector Jayne Forrest said: "Police were called following an allegation of harassment. When we receive any reports of this nature it's vital officers follow up all lines of inquiry.
"Harassment comes in many different forms and the incident described by Mr Khan formed part of an inquiry on that day."

Pussy see garden, Pussy do doo-doo, maybe they should have a word with Peter Pan.....

That’s it: I’m orf to purchase some Nano tubes so that I can park on private land.

And today’s thought:



Tuesday 22 November 2011

Sick of Lansley: Tata Nano: Great Tits for twitchers: Wahroonga blast: Four faces of time: Can’t believe me Mince Pies: Snoring Dormouse: and adopt a Swan.

Still misty, murky and miserable at the Castle this morn, the elbow still hurts, the study is overflowing with dodgy do-dahs and I have finally collected my new glasses. 

Apparently “bedside entertainment systems” are now installed at about half the NHS hospitals across the country.
And patients have to pay up to £5 per day to access phone, TV and email, but the worst thing about it is that the face of Andrew Lansley the Health Secretary appears on a loop on the in-house televisions in which he says “your care really matters to me”.
Mr Lansley’s message starts: “Hello, I’m Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary. I just want to take a few moments to say that your care while you’re here in hospital really matters to me.”
Until individuals register, the television plays the message, which repeats every three or four minutes and comes complete with subtitles.

Just what you need when you have tubes inserted into every orifice-another arsehole....

And the world's cheapest motor car, India's Tata Nano, has been given a makeover, after disappointing sales since it was launched in 2009.
The 2012 Nano will be available in more colours and have more luxurious interiors, as part of an effort to rejuvenate its appeal.
The manufacturers also say the car will be more fuel-efficient.
Tata motors, which makes the Nano, also manufactures British luxury cars Jaguar and Land Rover.
The car's makers say they hope the new model will help to increase sales. The price of the car will remain the same.
It was launched in 2009, amid great fanfare as a car costing just 100,000 rupees ($1,979; £1,366). Tata owner Ratan Tata has described it as a "milestone" at the time.

At that price it will be more like a millstone....

Twitchers from around the country descended on deserted headland near Redcar, Cleveland, after receiving a sighting of a rare Hume’s leaf warbler.
They set up cameras and telescopic lenses along the town’s South Gare hoping to catch sight of the Asian green and yellow bird as it hopped around bushes and rocks.

Then the Great Tits arrived-a blonde model in a thong sat astride a motorbike, posing for a shoot.

Two models also stripped off on the beach and the birdwatchers were left buzzing as they took advantage of the unexpected photo opportunity.

Bet there was a fair amount of “twitching” going on in the bushes for a while...

A gas explosion inside a car has injured a woman and blown debris to all ends of a suburban street in Sydney's north.
The 47-year-old female driver was parked on Clissold Road, Wahroonga when a can of butane caused a massive explosion about 1.20am this morning.
Monique Wells, 41, and her partner were woken by the blast that sent parts of the Toyota Prius all over the road and into their front yard.
"We were asleep and then we heard an explosion," Mrs Wells said. "I came running out, bare foot, and there was a lady in the car and her hair was all frazzled."
"She was trapped, she couldn't move in the car."
"I pulled my T-shirt off to put over her face because of all the smoke. I didn't know where all the smoke was coming from."
Mrs Wells discovered the back seat was on fire and her husband raced to put out the flames.

It’s a bloody Prius-let it burn...

Visitors to the Moor Shopping Centre in Brierley Hill, West Midlands, are being left baffled by a clock which shows four times - all of them wrong.
The Millennium Clock was built to celebrate the arrival of the ‘noughties’ but has not shown the right time for 11 years, it has been claimed.

Last week, one face was 31min slow, a second was 33min slow, the third was 1hr 46min fast and the fourth was 2hr fast.

Tock tick, tick tock.

The world's most valuable mince pie is to go on show at a shopping centre in London.
The £3,000 mince pie was made using traditional ingredients from recipes dating back to the 17th century.
They include the highest-grade platinum leaf, holy water from Lourdes to bind the pastry, vanilla beans and cinnamon from eastern spice markets, and ambergris sugar which is derived from sperm whale secretions.
It also contains a solid platinum coin in keeping with the British tradition of placing a silver coin in a Christmas cake or pudding.
It took ten days for Andrew Stellitano, who runs food design company Astarism, to make the exclusive mince pie.
The pie will be on display for a month at the Marvellous Mince Pie Manufactory in The Exchange shopping centre in Ilford.
It's said to be worth £3,000 but will go to the winner of a prize draw on December 19.

Wonder if they do a sugar free version......

Footage of a snoring Surrey dormouse curled up in the palm of man's hand has been viewed more than 146,000 times on YouTube.
The 31-second clip shows the rodent gently rocking as with his eyes closed and little paws tucked in he takes deep breaths, while being cradled in the hand of a nature officer, who gently strokes the top of his head with his thumb.
The dormouse was in a deep sleep when he was discovered by the Surrey Wildlife Trust during a survey of nesting boxes in woods near Leatherhead.
He did not wake up when he was taken out to be weighed - and carried on snoring while ecologists recorded this video.
However the camera failed to capture the sound of the snore, described by SWT mammal project officer Dave Williams as "a loud whistle."

Glad about that, I thought I had gone deaf....

And finally:

The latest thing for Crimbo is to adopt a swan, click on the link above and give a loved one a bleedin great white bird that is bad tempered, anti social and belongs to her Maj.

Now if it was to adopt one of the Great Tits....... 

That’s it: I’m orf to get some near-infrared emitting substance

And today’s thought: What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?

The taste.


Monday 21 November 2011

Abandon Sterling: Toxic mortgages: Out of sight Royals: ‘Event boundary’: Tyred out Earth: and a sea bass Numpty.

Misty, murky and miserable at the Castle this morn, the elbow has returned to normal size, has a bruise as big as Greenland and still hurts.
The study is still devoid of any ex adding machines and his Maj is still bringing me worms. 

A smidge late this Monday, had to go down to Tesco on the stale bread, gruel and Pussy food run.

Germany’s finance minister reckons despite the current crisis in the eurozone, the euro will ultimately emerge as the common currency of the entire European Union. He said he “respects” Britain’s decision to keep the pound, but insisted that the survival and eventual stabilisation of the euro will convince non-members to join the currency club. “This may happen more quickly than some people in the British Isles currently believe,” he added.

Bollocks, and don’t even think about it Prime Monster.

Has come up with a stonking plan to fuck up the economy even more-Plans to allow first-time buyers of new homes to borrow up to 95% of the value, with the government underwriting part of the risk, are to be unveiled.
They are part of a scheme to deal with an acute shortage of affordable homes, set to be revealed by David Cameron.
The initiative, for England only, will begin in July and aims to build 16,000 new homes and create up to 32,000 jobs.
It includes a £400m fund which will help to kick-start schemes which are ready but lack necessary finance.
The government call the plans "radical" and a "step change" in their approach. However, Labour say ministers have failed to deliver on housing.

Err; isn’t lending money to people who default on mortgages what got us in this pile of crap in the first place...and for ‘the Government’ read ‘the Taxpayer’.

A new documentary has discovered that the Queen had two cousins who were hidden away in a mental asylum for most of their lives and had no contact with their family.
A channel 4 film will portray the Royal Family as callous and neglectful in their treatment of five "hidden cousins" of the Queen who were locked away in the same mental asylum for decades.

At the heart of The Queen's Hidden Cousins is the emotional story of two royal relatives, Katherine and Nerissa BowesLyon, nieces of the Queen Mother, who were never visited by the Royal Family nor invited to any royal event at Buckingham Palace.

Indeed, the Bowes-Lyon family, into which the Queen Mother was born, announced in Burke's Peerage that Nerissa had "died in 1940", even though she was alive in the asylum; the same publication also published that Katherine had died. The family would later put these errors down to "vagueness".

Nerissa did die in 1986 but her sister Katherine is still alive in a Surrey nursing home. She is 85, the same age as the Queen.
The death of Nerissa brought the shocking revelation that not only was her sister Katherine in Royal Earlswood but three sisters from the Fanes family lived at the hospital. They were connected to the Bowes-Lyons on mother Fenella's side.
Nerissa now has a proper headstone, although the rumours are that the "grave was dug deep enough for two". The eventual gravestone was paid for by their niece Lady Elizabeth Anson.

Katherine was moved to Ketwin House in Surrey where patients were charged only £770 a year at the time of its closing after allegations of physical abuse.

She is now resident in another nursing home in Surrey where "she has been taken on holidays around Britain by the staff".

To this day, however, she has never been visited by a member of the Royal Family.

Neither Buckingham Palace nor Glamis Castle wished to contribute to the Channel 4 programme.

Makes you proud.......

Ever walked into a room to get something only to forget why you went there in the first place?
New research from University of Notre Dame psychology professor Gabriel Radvansky suggests that passing through doorways is the cause of these memory lapses.
"Entering or exiting through a doorway serves as an 'event boundary' in the mind, which separates episodes of activity and files them away," Radvansky said in a statement. "Recalling the decision or activity that was made in a different room is difficult because it has been compartmentalized."
The study was published recently in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

 Oh good; and I thought it was just the onset of old fartship....

The sprawling pile of hundreds of thousands of tires isn't easy to spot from the ground, sitting in a rural South Carolina clearing accessible by only a circuitous dirt path that winds through thick patches of trees. No one knows how all those tires got there, or when.
But, Calhoun County Council Chairman David Summers says of this giant rubber menace, "You can see it from space."
Authorities have charged one person in connection with the mess of roughly 250,000 tires, which covers more than 50 acres on satellite images. And now a Florida company is helping haul it all away.
Litter control officer Boyce Till said he contacted the local sheriff and state health department, which is investigating who had been dumping the tires.
But the worst possible penalty that could be imposed locally is a single $475 ticket for littering.
Records show the property is owned by Michael Keitt Jr. of Far Rockaway, N.Y.

Tricia Johnson, owner of Lee Tire Company, Inc., said a property owner whom she declined to name called her for help hauling off the material. So far, Johnson said between 10 and 15 tractor-trailer loads of tires have been shipped to her Florida facility. There, they will either have oil and steel extracted from them, or they will be shredded and made into tire-derived fuel, which Johnson said burns more cleanly than coal and is used by paper mills.
Johnson said she has waived her usual fee and is charging the property owner only for transportation costs. She hopes to have all 250,000 tires processed by early 2012.

Tyred out?

And finally: 

Kurt Price was delighted with the huge fish he caught and ate – until he realised it would have been a record-breaker.
Kurt, 25, reeled in the monster sea bass on a weekend trip to Tenby, south-west Wales.

It was only after he had cooked and eaten it that he researched the record books and realised his catch would have been the biggest of its kind.

The record for a shore-caught sea bass is 19lb 11oz. Angling experts who have seen a picture of Kurt’s catch believe it was bigger than 20lb.

But Kurt, of Cwmbran, Monmouthshire, cannot claim the record because he failed to weigh the fish – and has eaten the evidence.

Kurt said the fish was very tasty but added: “I’m gutted.”

 So was the fish.....

 Piscean Pillock....

And today’s thought: Fishermen fall for it, hook, line and sinker.


Sunday 20 November 2011

Excessive wind: Who owes what: Nippy nutter: Hairy wear: Stiff pants: and Compo Copper.

Cold, wet, dark, foggy and dismal at the Castle this morn, no post yesterday the elbow had escalated from extremely painful to excruciating so I spent the day curled up in a ball whimpering while stoned out on industrial strength painkillers.
But the swelling has reduced to the size of a tennis ball and the pain has subsided to merely agonising.

Following complaints about the noise of rotating blades from nearby residents, operators have agreed to switch off the machines or reduce their speed when the wind is blowing too strongly.
The agreements, which mean the turbines generate less electricity, have been revealed in dossiers from local authorities about their investigations into noise pollution complaints.
They show that at Askam wind farm, near Barrow-in Furness, in Cumbria, which comprises seven turbines, a control system was installed to turn off the machines when wind speeds get too high.
After complaints about noise from a 12-turbine wind farm on a former RAF base at Lissett, near Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, environmental health officers found that high winds caused the machines to exceed the noise limits laid down in the scheme's planning conditions.
So an arrangement was reached whereby some of the turbines were slowed down when the wind was blowing at certain speeds and from certain directions.

I posted the answer to energy problems over on Nourishing Obscurity a while a go-water wheels...

But now Auntie has come up with a spiffing foreign debt “interactive pie chart” to help out dim gits such as myself. 

It seems that:

Dear old Blighty is in debt to the tune of about 7.3 Trillion Euros.

Germany owes 4.2 Trillion Euros

Le France doesn’t have 4.2 Trillion Euros.

Espana lacks 1.9 Trillion Euros.

Italia needs 2 trillion Euros.

The heart of democracy wants 0.4 Trillion Euros.

Portugal is devoid of 0.4 trillion Euros.

And Ireland lacks 1.7 trillion Euros.

Not as bad as I thought-7,300,000,000 Euros; that works out at about £500 at today’s exchange rate, anyway click on either of the links above and spend a while getting even more confused...

Provincial police are looking for a naked jogger with a beer belly after he was spotted by a female runner Tuesday at about 5 a.m. in Innerkip.
The runner is described as a balding white man in his fifties, six-feet tall, with a moustache.
This isn't the first time the nude jogger has been seen in the area, said police.
Innerkip is about 130 km southwest of Toronto.

No fool like a wrinkled old fool.

A Liverpool dressmaker who shot to fame through TV's My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding has created a gown made entirely from human hair.
Thelma Madine's bizarre creation was made from 250 metres of hair extensions and now has a price tag of more than £50,000.
She worked with Voodou hair salon in Liverpool to create the dress, which took eight dress designers more than 300 hours to complete.
The brain child behind the hairy dress was Voodou stylist Ryan Edwards.
Mr Edwards said: "It's something that we've been thinking about designing for a while as it's just so different.
"I approached Thelma and her team to see if they would be up for doing it and they loved the idea. It took a team of about eight people just over 12 days to make and as you can see, we used a lot of hair!"
Not only does the dress contain 250 metres of hair but tens of thousands of individual hair wefts and different pieces of hair, as well as 1500 crystals and 12 underskirts. It weighs approximately 15 stone.

Hairy couture.

Enter the MXP Calorie Shaper Pants.
For a whopping $32, these shiny boxer briefs purport to aid in the burning of additional calories.
The secret (apparently) lies in their resin coating, which makes them stiff. This added stiffness provides resistance, leading to an increased number of calories burned.
For example, a 140-pound man walking 90 minutes per day can burn upwards of the equivalent of a half litre of beer a week.

My underpants are stiff-nothing to do with losing weight though....

And finally:

A former police officer is suing the Lothian and Borders force, claiming a training exercise left her scared of sirens.
Louise McGarva is seeking £500,000, alleging she suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after taking part in a simulated riot that spiralled out of control. She said she had been left with a fear of police cars and sirens after being crushed during the riot training in a former hospital building in West Lothian.
Lawyers for the 35-year-old allege that eight officers were left injured during the exercise after their instructors attacked them with “baseball bats, long batons and martial arts”, using “excessive” force.
Ms McGarva said she repeatedly passed out after being crushed in the melee while an officer giving her medical assistance allegedly told her she had “had it” and was going to die.
The former officer, who retired on grounds of ill-health, said the incident left her suffering from nightmares and flashbacks, as well as depression and panic attacks, and she needed psychological treatment at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

She should be cured then......

And today’s thought on this Sunday: Lord save me from your followers.  


Friday 18 November 2011

Northern cock-up: Carriage on the line: Advanced Hypersonic Weapon: Chastity and Cuckolding: Axing snowploughs: and some 3d art.

Warmish, dryish, calmish and sunnyish at the Castle this morn, the study is still a vacuum for ex computing thingies and I had the injection in the right elbow yestermorn-bloody painful, it has swollen up to a size larger than U-Turn Cam’s ego, so I am writing this with left hand only.

Apparently there is a bit of hoo-ha over some bloke called Step Ladder who runs the football thingy.
Allegedly Step Ladder is facing calls for his resignation after claiming that racism on the pitch is not a problem and that racist abuse between players should be settled by a handshake.

Fine; whatever; now stop putting it on every “news” channel on the box....


Son of a B....aronet (and alien reptile in disguise) George (I don’t have a GCSE in maths) Osborne has managed to sell orf our Northern Rock bank for £400 million less than “we” paid for it.
The lucky recipient of this knock down gift is old beardy Branson who must be rubbing his hands together in glee over 75 branches, 2,100 staff, one million customers, a £14bn mortgage book and retail deposits of £16bn. The combined business will operate in the high street under the Virgin Money brand.

The Chancellor insisted the deal – under which Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Money takes Northern Rock over for £747m, possibly rising to £1bn – represented good value.
Meanwhile “we” are keeping the £20bn of toxic assets such as bad debts and closed mortgages.

Who “voted” for this unelected bunch of Wankers?

Chiltern Railways is scrapping a service because the train is too big.
For years around 30 or so commuters in Saunderton, Bucks could rely on the 7.19am to Marylebone Station which would get them into London just after 8am.
But from next month the service is going to disappear because the train will be too long for the platform.
This follows the decision of the company to add a seventh carriage to the service to ease overcrowding, but alas it is one too many for Saunderton station.
As Chiltern does not employ guards, it is not possible to only open some of the doors on the train.

Makes a change from leaves, wrong type of snow/rain/heat and Lions I suppose....

Allegedly the Pentagon held a successful test flight on Thursday of a flying bomb that travels faster than the speed of sound and will give military planners the ability to strike targets anywhere in the world in less than a hour.
Launched by rocket from Hawaii at 1130 GMT, the "Advanced Hypersonic Weapon," or AHW, glided through the upper atmosphere over the Pacific "at hypersonic speed" before hitting its target on the Kwajalein atoll in the Marshall Islands, a Pentagon statement said.
Kwajalein is about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometres) southwest of Hawaii. The Pentagon did not say what top speeds were reached by the vehicle, which unlike a ballistic missile is manoeuvrable.
Scientists classify hypersonic speeds as those that exceed Mach 5 -- or five times the speed of sound -- 3,728 miles (6,000 kilometres) an hour.
The test aimed to gather data on "aerodynamics, navigation, guidance and control, and thermal protection technologies," said Lieutenant Colonel Melinda Morgan, a Pentagon spokeswoman.
The US Army's AHW project is part of "Prompt Global Strike" program which seeks to give the US military the means to deliver conventional weapons anywhere in the world within an hour.

Back in the bunker...

A London dominatrix has mastered the world of academia - and is well on her way to a doctorate in sexual fetishism.
Hannah Platt, aka Mistress Absolute, is studying at Birbeck College at the University of London in an effort to become a leading authority on 'Chastity and Cuckolding'.
The professional dominatrix has more than 10 years experience and has made full disclosure of her profession to university authorities.
"I have made no secret of my professional life," she said. "They were cool about the whole thing and understood that my day job gives me a unique insight in to the subject matter.
"I am studying all aspects of chastity and cuckolding from a historical and psychoanalytical perspective. It is truly fascinating - and extremely relevant in these troubled times."
Mistress Absolute will be sharing some of her experience this weekend by running a special Fetish Club Zone at the Erotica adult lifestyle event at the Olympia in London.

Wonder if there are any tickets left...

An axe-wielding man attacked a snow plough truck in Big Lake earlier this month, apparently because he was angered by a snow berm (A ridge of snow pushed up by a plough) blocking in his car, according to charging documents.

The truck's driver, James Ross, told Alaska State Troopers a man with a "maul-style axe" ran in front of his truck on Saquonee Street in Big Lake the afternoon of Nov. 6, forcing Ross to slam on his brakes to avoid hitting the man, according to a trooper affidavit filed in court.
Then Logan hit the driver's side door of the truck with the axe, causing about $200 in damage, according to the affidavit. Ross drove away, fearing that Logan would attack him next, the court papers say. The plough driver then gave troopers Logan's description and told them where the attack occurred.
The man, later identified as 44-year-old Vernon Logan, swore at Ross while asking what Ross was doing, the court papers say.

Err, snow plough-what did he think he was doing...

And finally: 

3D Street artists Joe & Max turned part of London's Canary Wharf quayside into the longest and largest 3D artwork as part of the Guinness World Records Day today.
The waterfall image measures 1,160.4 metres square and is 106.5m long, beating the previous 892.15metre square record set by China's Qi Xinghua, and will remain on display until tomorrow.

Or until it rains...

And today’s thought: I went to the bank and went over my savings. I found out I have all the money that I'll ever need. .. . If I die tomorrow." -- Henny Youngman


Thursday 17 November 2011

Yeah right Prime Monster: Astute finances: Pizza veg: Pussy prison: Ryanair 2012: and EU cancer.

Coldish, dampish, calmish and misty at the Castle this morn, the study is empty of all things broke and beautiful, just got back from Tesco on the stale bread, gruel and pussy food run-still can’t find anything and I am orf to my General Medico to get the right elbow injected with stuff, hope I don’t end up like Popeye. 

Before the last non-election the PM visited Liverpool and pledged his support for job creation schemes which help those who have "slipped through the cracks" to get back to work.
At the time of his visit, Cameron said: "Any good scheme we will keep, and obviously when it comes to the whole area of getting people back to work, our work programme, which includes mentoring and work training for young people, it will have all those elements."
Among those he praised was MerseySTRIDE, which employs the long-term unemployed to recycle and refurbish furniture and sell it on at competitive prices. MerseySTRIDE's future is now threatened because of lack of funding.

Nice one Dave

Allegedly the Royal Navy will not have enough hunter-killer submarines to protect Britain after the defence review forced delays to replacements, a report has shown.
The report said decisions by the Strategic Defence and Security Review had led to further cost overruns of £500 million in the defence budget. The decision to delay the batch of seven Astute boats will cost millions extra and leave the Navy without enough boats to defend Britain, maintain the security of the Falkland Islands or protect the Vanguard class submarines which carry the Trident nuclear deterrent as well as carrying out other secret tasks, the report said.
Astute is replacing the ageing Trafalgar hunter killers, the last of which will go out of service in 2022. But the seventh Astute will not enter operational service until two years later, leaving a shortfall of at least one boat. The Navy needs a minimum of seven hunter killer submarines.

I’ve got an old rowboat on the moat if they want to borrow it.....

US lawmakers prodded by the frozen food industry have moved to protect schools' ability to count pizza sauce as a vegetable in lunches for students.
In an annual spending bill covering the US Department of Agriculture, which has oversight over subsidized school meals, a joint House-Senate panel voted to prevent the agency from restricting pizza, fries, and starchy vegetables.
A Republican summary of the legislation, which was unveiled Monday and may be approved this week, cheered the defeat of "overly burdensome and costly regulations" and hailed "greater flexibility for local school districts." 

Fat American teenagers for the furnace....

Palm Beach County animal control officers are racing to remove as many as 80 cats from the state-run prison in Belle Glade, fearing they will be left without access to food and water when the facility closes its doors on Dec. 1.
The cats have taken up residence on the prison's grounds, burrowing under fences and living around buildings. They have been fed by prisoners, despite rules that prohibit the practice, officials say.
"They are not supposed to feed them, but they do," said Paula Bryant, a spokeswoman with the state's Department of Correction.
The state announced it was planning to close the 1,000-inmate prison this year, and the Department of Corrections has slowly been moving prisoners to other facilities across the state. As of Monday, there were more cats than prisoners. Officials said there were just 69 inmates left.

Cattus cellus...

Ryanair’s cabin crew have stripped off for the airline’s fifth annual charity calendar.
Proceeds from “The Girls of Ryanair” calendar, which features scantily-clad female flight attendants, will go to DEBRA, which provides support for patients suffering from epidermolysis bullosa (EB), a genetic skin condition.

The charity was chosen from nearly 400 applicants, and Ryanair said it hopes to raise around £85,000.

The calendar costs £8.50 and can be purchased on board Ryanair flights, from DEBRA’s charity shops in Spain and Ireland, or on the airline’s website (

Good cause, snag is you won’t be able to have a look at it in the toilets.

 And finally: 

X-ray body scanners at airports have been banned by Brussels amid fears they could cause cancer.

The devices, widely criticised because they make passengers who go through them appear naked, emit low doses of radiation.
The EU has now told member states not to install them until a scientific assessment of the risks has been carried out.
Manchester airport, which has 16 of the £80,000 machines and bars anyone refusing a scan from boarding a flight, has been told it can continue using them for another year.

So they haven’t been banned then....

And today’s thought: There is an art to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
