Monday 31 December 2012

Twenty Twelve Twats (and other cupid stunts)

Many, many droplets of skywater, even more lack of warm, less atmospheric movement and still not a whatsit of solar stuff at the Castle this morn.
As Twenty Eleven plus one ignobly sinks into the mire of history it is once again time to have a look at those who have managed to make it even worse.


First up has to be the entire Piss Poor Policies Millionaires Club Coalition who have mismanaged the economy, the NHS, the police people, benefits, immigration, tax cuts for the rich, standards of living for the rest of us, bankers, welfare and my fucking pension.
And especially shit for brains U-Turn Cam who reckons that Blighty is travelling in the opposite direction to the left.

I won't even feature that other bloke whatever his name is because no one really gives a an old nags vag.


Then there are the “Royal” leeches; in particular “Prince” Henry who got his kit orf  in a hotel room with a couple of his mates and a non-male or two with a camera phone.


And his sister in law the Duckess of Cambridge who showed her upper wobbly bits to someone with a long lens as she cavorted on ‘Oliday with some tall, bald bloke.


Not forgetting the man on the bike Andrew Mitchell who took so long to resign over the “plebgate” thingy that the “establishment” had a couple of months to decide that the un-doctored silent CCTV footage showed he was entirely innocent of anything and that the “law” was stitching him up.


Dopey Dorries who went Dahn Unda to the Jungle and sadly came back again


The “global warming” pundits who seem to think we are as stupid as they are so that the price of gas, leccy, petrol and diesel can be raised to such heights that it brings tears to your wallets.


And the phone hackers who used peoples lack of common sense to access their voice mail to sell newspapers (which some of us bought), and in particular Rebekah Brooks who is £10.8 million better orf for not being sacked and didn’t have a conversation with the Prime Monster and the old Aussie bloke about BSkyB at a party.


The Ed-Milli band by turning into a very bad copy of a Tory whist telling us that we are all “one nation” and whose nasal style of vocals has managed to get right up one’s hooter

The rest of the Royal dysfunctional family, who spent the year being entertained, fed, housed, clothed and rowed about by the rest of us as we watched while our lives disappeared dahn the imperial bog in a royal flush.

And finally:

Alien reptile in disguise and son of a......Baronet George (nobody loves me) Osborne who apart from fucking up Blighty’s fiscal stability also managed to get booed as he took advantage of his free ticket (paid for by us) to the big sporty event up in the Smoke.



And this last day of 2012’s thought:
Roll on 2013.

 Happy New Year! 


Saturday 29 December 2012

Immoral shit for brains U-Turn Cam: How old is your DNA: The Old Nags Vag: Darwin Numptys: The Price of Eggs: and the Sock Monkey earmuffs.

Still chucking it dahn, astonishing amounts of atmospheric movement, masses of lack of warm and not even a glimpse of Dawn’s crack at the Castle this morn, the toofache continues to recede and his Maj is still using his litter tray because of the “wevver”.


It seems that the most deserving person is a bloke who can pedal faster than anyone else.

Read it if you must...I really don’t give a badger’s balls....


Is still insisting on sending billions of our squids overseas to help the “poor”, knobhead DC “thinks” that the UK had a “moral obligation to the poorest in the world” even though “times are tough here”, and that  ordinary Brits were happy to see their dosh go abroad — since they already give to charities.

Here’s an idea U-Turn; how about keeping our money in deprived Blighty and let us decide how much to give to charity?


It seems that some Blightyites have taken a blood test to predict how long they have left to live, with dozens more expected to sign up to the new check next year.
Around 1,000 people have taken the test globally with thousands of UK customers to be targeted next year, Spanish manufacturer Life Length said. By 2017 the company hopes to have dropped the price to just £65 per person.
Tiny chemical structures in DNA called telomeres are analysed in the £650 test and used to estimate the speed at which a person is ageing.
Recent tests on animals have shown that high levels of short telomeres have been an accurate indication of a reduced life expectancy.
The structures rupture and shorten each time a cell divides meaning that a higher number of short telomeres could be an indication of an increased rate of cell splitting.

Sorry but knowing when I will shuffle orf this mortal coil is not an item on my bucket list....



Allegedly Charlie’s old nag is a bit miffed with “Sir” Paul McCartney because he didn’t say that her baggy old vag “barks like a rabid dog”.
According to a “source” “Sir Paul had nothing to do with the skit on “Saturday Night Live”, but The Queen and Camilla blame him for not nipping it in the bud,” an insider told American tabloid the National Enquirer.

“Camilla told Charles, ‘Why is it that when Paul is on that show, I am ridiculed? Your mother is furious as well. It’s so offensive…There is no excuse!’”

Nah; what is offensive is the thought of the almost royal mare’s old nether bits...


Apparently a scantily-clad man has angered RAAF bosses when he played a round at the RAAF Darwin Golf Club wearing just a green mankini and golf shoes while swigging a stubbie.

According to some “members”:

"He should be charged ... indecent exposure," said Raechel Watts.

Debbie Neat said the man's dress code was "totally disrespectful of the game".

"How disgusting! He should not have been allowed to play without proper attire!" said Jennifer Fitzgibbins.

And the “Numptys”... those three above....


A man tried to eat 30 raw eggs for a bet – but collapsed with severe stomach pains and died.
Dhaou Fatnassi, 20, scoffed 28 before he began feeling violently ill. He was rushed to hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.
The exact cause of death has not yet been established.

Mr Fatnassi made the wager with friends in Kairouan, north east Tunisia, for an undisclosed sum of money.

Wasn’t enough was it.....

And finally:
Cold ears... Now you can be the proud owner of a pair of sock monkey muffs for the meagre price of $9.99 (plus postage).

Can’t wait for those to arrive....



And today’s thought:
This mirror needs a clean



Friday 28 December 2012

National Harm Service: JC balls up: Signs of the “end of the world”: Climb every staircase: Not Mushroom for art: and The Dwarven Helm.

Still chucking it dahn, still a lot of lack of warm, still not a glimmer of solar stuff and still being blasted by atmospheric movement at the Castle this morn, the toofache is a bit better after several doses of antibiotics and his Maj has decided that the nice dry litter tray is preferable to sitting in the rain to do his business.

Patients both young and old are being killed by piss poor treatment, by even piss poorer medics and some “nurses” that would be more at home in a slaughter house.
That is not to say that most of those unfortunate enough to end up in ‘Orspital manage to leave alive and in reasonable health, but there does seem to be a growing number of patients that do not.

And the reason for this downturn in “care”....

My belief is that it has been the “Foundation Trust” frenzy, that point where financial targets replaced patient care, where ‘Orspitals were given autonomy from control and allowed to do as they wish.
The point where patients became a financial drain, “clients” or “customers”, where nurses became “assets”, doctors became even more egotistical than they were and “the management” became lord of the wards.
I have seen it first hand, my local butchers shop (Grimly Dark); before “Foundation trust status” was a reasonable place to be ill, it was a bit shoddy but the attitude of the medical staff was almost human until “it” happened, then the atmosphere changed, those in the beds were downgraded from the priority of all and sundry to a cost effective bag of organs to be moved along the conveyer belt as quickly and cheaply as possible to emerge (or not) at the exit whether they were cured (or not).

And the only control of the management lords is the CQC which is about as much use as the Piss Poor Policies Millionaires Club Coalition when it comes to looking after our wellbeing.

So a plea to “those in power”, rescind the Foundation Trust status of our ‘Orspitals, return control to the people, do away with the boards of directors, the multiple layers of management, the atmospheric salaries paid to those who rule, spend the money on better training and more importantly better nurses and doctors, better facilities for the ill and a better NHS for those who actually pay for it.


Apparently according to archaeologist Aviram Oshri JC wasn’t born in Bethlehem on the West Bank south of Jerusalem but in Bethlehem of the Galilee 7 kilometres from Jesus’ childhood home, Nazareth.

Allegedly there is proof, according to the archaeologist, that what Israelis call Judea – the other Bethlehem in the West Bank – was not even inhabited when Jesus was born.




Residents of Koniec Swiata have accused outsiders, who believe the Mayan apocalypse prophecy, of nicking the towns signs and making their daily lives difficult.
‘Our name means literally End Of The World, so once the doomsday hunters found this out they wouldn’t leave us alone,’ said 50-year-old local Roman Adamus.
‘We’ve lost six of them this year so enough is enough and they’re coming down.’
Irritated neighbour Marianna Warszawska added the people that were pinching the signs were causing a lot of problems.
‘I’ve lived here all my life and these people are a bloody nightmare,’ the 85-year-old said.

‘Hopefully they’ll leave us alone when the world doesn’t end.’

 Seems that her wish may come true....

A 300-foot staircase along a mountain face in the Taihang Mountains in Linzhou, China is the next best thing if you want the same feeling you get when mountain climbing. The hike up the stairs provides a great experience one will not easily forget, and no special gear is needed.
 And the snags-However, due to safety and health concerns, the management has qualifications before anyone is allowed to ascend. Climbers must be under 60 years of age and are asked to fill out a form confirming that they do not have heart or lung problems.

Glad I’m 61.....


Boston-based artist Corey Corcoran uses mushrooms as canvases for his original illustrations.
The size of his works ranges from six inches to two feet, depending on the mushroom canvas, and the theme mostly revolves around plant life, insects, and people.

Edible art-nice….

And finally:

Well now you can purchase the dwarven beard, helm forged from yarn for your favourite small person.

Must get one for the butler...


And today’s thought:
Time to get fit.


Thursday 27 December 2012

U-Turn Cam goes minority: EU can fuck orf: Nollaig Festive Ale: The Computer rack: £10,000 Pineapple: and a bit of Quantum jumping.

Chucking it dahn, many, many knots of atmospheric movement, quite a pile of lack of warm and not even a glimpse of solar stuff at the Castle this morn, just returned from the stale bread, gruel and his Maj’s food run dahn Tesco, the place was almost empty apart from the interweb robots and the odd old fart. 

I see that the Mayans got it wrong-again and we have all survived the apocalypse, but I did watch Her Maj in 2D and enjoyed a nice Crimbo dinner with His Maj, had a chicken salad on Wednesday a chicken curry is ready for tonight and tomorrow I might have a change and have chicken soup.
The annual Crimbo toof-ache has arrived and I am orf to see the toof doctor at 11.20 of the am.


Has decided that the majority of voters in buggered up Blighty are no longer of interest to him, and he thinks that the ConTories need more black and Asian Conservative parliamentary candidates.
U-Turn Cam reckons that he regards building support among voters from immigrant backgrounds as the biggest challenge facing the Tories in their quest to "detoxify" their image among large sections of the community.
And that the ConTories unpopularity among ethnic minorities could spell disaster at the next election.

Worry not tosspot Cam; it won’t be the lack of ethnic minorities that will scupper your chances.....


Most people now want Britain to leave the EU, allegedly 51% would vote to take Britain out of the European Union, against 40% who wanted to stay in.
They mark a slight increase in euro-scepticism since autumn 2011, when 49% wanted to leave the EU. There has been a significant shift since 2001, when a poll showed that the public wanted to remain in Europe by a margin of 68% to 19%.
When asked to provide a “school report grade” type rating for the EU, voters gave it a D+, diverging somewhat from the Nobel committee which earlier this year awarded the institution its peace prize.
Britons appear to take an increasingly dim view of the continent’s bureaucracy, as it struggles to contain the single currency crisis.
Earlier this month, the Prime Minister told MPs that while he did not want Britain to leave the EU, an exit was “imaginable”.

Sooner the bloody better...


A Scottish brewer has taken the concept of the traditional festive beer to its logical conclusion by creating a drink from the tips of spruce trees.
Based on a Viking recipe, the Alloa-based Williams Brothers Brewing Company has produced Nollaig Festive Ale, which incorporates parts of the Christmas tree to give it a suitably Yuletide flavour.
The ale has proved so popular - all 800 bottles have sold out despite a hefty £13 price tag - that next year Williams Brothers will increase production to 10,000 bottles.
Brewery chairman Scott Williams said that the idea came from their interest in recreating ancient brewing techniques - most famously with their heather ale.
The spruce ale uses the tips of the tree, picked in spring when the growth appears, before brewing begins in April.
“It’s used as a spice,” Williams said. “Imagine you’re making a stew and the malted barley is the meat and gravy, the spicing usually from the hops. Here it’s the hops and the spruce. It goes into the boil and all the resins and flavours are extracted from the tips which are then fermented.

 Glad I don’t drink.


Comes the perfect pressie for those who just can’t be arsed.



A pineapple nurtured over two years using traditional Victorian techniques at the Lost Gardens of Heligan, near St Austell, Cornwall has been hailed the world’s most expensive piece of fruit – worth a whopping £10,000.
A team of gardeners led by Nicola Bradley created tropical conditions using small greenhouses heated by a chemical reaction between 30 tons of manure plus horse urine and straw.
The gardens have been growing pineapples the same way since the 19th century – when they were rented out to wealthy families as a dinner table decoration.
Eight pineapples are growing at a cost £1,200 each. But the one now ready could fetch £10,000 at auction because of its rarity, although it is set to be eaten by staff.

They are only a squid dahn Tesco....

And finally:


Well now you may be able to have one or thousands; according to Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku and Neil Turok, all of whom are responsible for life-changing breakthroughs in the field of quantum physics,and  have all suggested the existence of multiple universes.

And Burt Goldman has hypothesized that you could be living out their lives in an alternate universe.

Apparently if you think about all the decisions you’ve made that led to who you are today. If all these decisions caused a split in your reality, each time creating a new version of yourself in a parallel universe who also goes on to make a certain set of choices thereby splitting their reality, you can begin to imagine the infinite versions of yourself that exist.

Now imagine what you could accomplish if you could somehow tap into these alternate universes to meet and learn from these alternate versions of yourself. Imagine the wisdom you’d learn. The opportunities you’d recognize, the skills you’d acquire, and the pitfalls you’d know to avoid.

By meeting these alternate selves, you’d essentially be tapping into a sea of knowledge and experience. But how, might you be asking, does one access these alternate realities? That’s where Quantum Jumping comes in.

Or total bollocks as it is known in non scientific circles.


And today’s thought:
R.I.P. Jerry



Monday 24 December 2012

It's Crimbo!-nearly...

Chucking it dahn, festive amounts of atmospheric movement, not even a santa of solar stuff and lots of lack of warm at the Castle this Crimbo eve aftermorn.

The "technical" man finally arrived and repaired my non-faulty fault that deprived me of the landline and interweb thingy, apparently it was wasn't a bit of kit in the exchange that had hadn't gorn tits up and scrambled my signal.

But all is now well for after Crimbo when I will return to impose this piss poor blog on the rest of you.

Until then I would like to wish all visitors/readers a very merry day tomorrow depending on which God you choose and may the year after this be several thousand times better than this one.

And today's thought:


Friday 21 December 2012

Jobmatch: Rumpy-pumpy Compo: Cayenne catch: See ‘U’ Loo: and Fashion sacrifice.


A whimsy of skywater, sod all solar stuff, even less atmospheric movement and a murmur of lack of cold at the Castle this apocalyptic morn, just returned from the stale bread, gruel and his Maj’s food run dahn Tesco. Hordes of internet robots dressed in their Jim-jams wandering about aimlessly, hordes and bit of daft old farts staggering about with a glazed look on their faces while trying to decide whether to purchase one box of mince pies for a squid or two for two squids and I have sorted my Crimbo dinner (apocalypse allowing), a chicken for £2.78 (two chicken breasts were £3.00, a box of one squid mince pies, a small tin of cream (which cost more than the mince pies), some nuts which smell like farts, a packet of biccies and a box of stuffing (I already have the parsnips, roast tatties and other stuff).

All I have to do now is try to remember how to use the oven... 

Still have no land line, Orange/EE still can’t connect me to the “tech dept” because of “technical” difficulties, so I had to phone the 0844 number again and speak to three different people who live in India, the upshot is that according to the sub continent dwellers I don’t have a fault at all and a “service person” will arrive on Crimbo eve between eight of the am and one of the pm to “sort it out” which cost me £8 for 19 minutes and twenty two seconds, and apparently if the “fault” is my fault there will be a charge of £105 call out plus £55 per hour.

Cheap at half the price---well it would be...

And now the interweb thingy is bollixed up...been trying to post this since 7.30 am...


Are going to introduce “Jobmatch” for those who are not career positive, who will have their online job applications remotely monitored by the Government to see whether they are making serious attempts to find work.
Allegedly the site will scan the CVs of benefit claimants and automatically match them up with job openings that suit their skills.

It will also allow employers to search for new workers among the unemployed and send messages inviting them to interviews.

Apparently the activities of benefit claimants can also be tracked using devices known as "cookies", so their Job Centre advisers can know how many searches they have been doing, suggest potential jobs and see whether they are turning down viable opportunities.

But the tracking element of the programme will not be compulsory as monitoring people's behaviour online without their consent would not be allowed under EU law.

However job advisers will be able to impose sanctions such as compulsory work placements or ultimately losing benefits if they feel the unemployed are not searching hard enough.


The Irritable Bowel Twins, who are supposed to be the Work and Pensions Secretary, said the scheme would "revolutionise" the process of looking for work.

Super, a government computer handling tens of  thousands of job seekers details; what could go wrong?


An Australian court has ruled that a bureaucrat who was injured while having sex on a business trip is eligible for worker's compensation benefits.
The Full Bench of the Federal Court ruled Dec. 13 in favour of the woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, and rejecting the appeal of the federal government's insurer.
The woman was hospitalized after being injured in 2007 during sex with a male friend while staying in a motel in the town of Nowra, 160 kilometres (100 miles) south of her hometown of Sydney.
During the sex, a glass light fitting was torn from its mount above the bed and landed on her face, injuring her nose and mouth. She later suffered depression and was unable to continue working for the government.
Her claim for worker's compensation for her physical and psychological injuries was initially approved by government insurer Comcare then rejected after further investigation.
An administrative tribunal agreed with Comcare that her injuries were not suffered in the course of her employment, saying the government had not induced or encouraged the woman's sexual conduct. The tribunal also found the sex was "not an ordinary incident of an overnight stay" such as showering, sleeping and eating.
That ruling was overturned in the Federal Court in 2012, when Judge John Nicholas rejected the tribunal's findings that the sex had to be condoned by the government if she were to qualify for compensation.
"If the applicant had been injured while playing a game of cards in her motel room, she would be entitled to compensation even though it could not be said that her employer induced her to engage in such activity," Nicholas wrote in his judgment in favour of the woman receiving compensation.
In the Full Bench decision upholding Nicholas' decision, Judges Patrick Keane, Robert Buchanan and Mordy Bromberg agreed last week that the government's views on the woman having sex in her motel room were irrelevant.
"No approval, express or implied, of the respondent's conduct was required," they said.

Wonder if the hotel is suing her for criminal damage?

Chinese fishermen managed to haul up a Porsche Cayenne while having an angle orf the Coast of Beihai.
The Cayenne was covered in seaweed and barnacles, with its state pointing to it having been underwater for at least two years according to experts called in to assess it.
Reports on suggest that the waters and coastal areas around Beihai are a hotspot for smugglers bringing in luxury goods to escape the huge import tariffs China imposes.
It’s believed the smuggler possibly pushed the Porsche overboard after spotting a customs patrol.
The vehicle, which would have netted the smuggler a sizable profit, sold to a Beihai scrap metal dealer for 4000 Yuan ($650).

Would have been worth more but the MOT has run out.

An Aberdeenshire couple, Matthew and Carol Short, farmers from Fraserburgh, won the “Home Throne” award for their “unique toilet in a whisky barrel.”
Flushed with success?


And finally:

Allegedly a growing number of women are having their toes shortened or even completely removed, in order to make wearing stilettos a less-painful experience.
According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, eighty-seven percent of women have had foot problems from wearing uncomfortable or ill-fitting shoes, like high-heels. But while some give-up on the problematic footwear, others love wearing them so much they will appeal to surgical procedures such as shortening toes, receiving foot injections and even completely cutting off pinkie toes in order to make walking in them bearable.

Hint- buy a pair of shoes that actually fits.....



And today’s thought
I blame Osborne



Wednesday 19 December 2012

Getting there

Sod all solar stuff, twice as much lack of warm, even less skywater (yet) and not much atmospheric movement at the Castle this morn, I discovered yesterday that my land line hasn’t been working for two weeks (and there’s me thinking that nobody loved me), so I contacted my provider-Orange/EE to “sort it out”

Har-fucking-har, sent an email because they only have an 0844 phone number which costs more than the national debt per minute, then got a phone call on my land line which I couldn’t answer because of the noise on the line, then got a call on my Orange/EE mobile and spoke to a very nice lady who said she would transfer me to the “technical dept” and after ten minutes on hold told me she couldn’t because of “technical difficulties” and she would ring me back tomorrow (today).

The nice lady did indeed ring me again on my Orange/EE mobile and after ten minutes on hold told me that she couldn’t transfer me to the “technical dept” because of “technical difficulties”, the upshot was that I would have to phone the 0844 number (which costs more than the national debt per minute) and press option 1, 2 and 4 and I would be able to speak to “someone” about it.

Did that, spoke to a chap who appears to live in India who said he would transfer me to someone who could help, after ten minutes on hold I managed to speak to another chap who appears to live in India who then asked me for my landline number, two letters of my password and then put me on hold for another ten minutes; and then the credit on my mobile ran out and I was cut orf.

Sent Orange/EE a bit more than stiff email explaining the “situation” and am still awaiting a reply.

But apart from the piss poor service, the cost and waste of time how the fuck can some plonker living thousands of miles away repair my bollixed up landline here in barmy Blighty?

Just returned from the appointment with my General Medic and gave him the list of side effects from my recent encounter with Tampax Champix, he was quite impressed but, as all medics do tried to persuade me not to give up giving up the smokes, I decided that just to make him happy I would consider it.

 But at least I do feel a bit better this two days before the apocalypse morn, think I will wait until the 22n’d to make what is left of my mind up.

And a few more pressies for those in need of feeling wanted.










And today’s thought:
Been there, done that.

