Saturday 9 February 2013

Feeling a bit horse: Surviving-at a price: Women wear the pants in Paris: Fast chuff-chuff—big brakes: and Dear, dear Mr Bean.

The suns not out, the sky’s not blue, there’s loads of clouds to spoil the view but who gives a shit, I’m warm and dry at the Castle this morn.

Not posted properly for a while, my one remaining left handed brain cell seemed to have run out of alphabet and went into standby mode, but after eating a couple of Findus lasagnes from Tesco my “mind” is racing I seem to be back on the gallop with the bit between my teef, full of unbridled enthusiasm and it looks like you are saddled with me for a while.

It seems that the secretary for the environment is to meet representatives from the Food Standards Agency and meat retailers and suppliers to discuss the horsemeat scandal.
Owen Paterson said investigations into how beef products had been contaminated with horsemeat were ongoing but "the evidence so far suggests... its either criminal activity or gross negligence".
Tesco, Aldi and Findus have all had to withdraw food products.
Food minister David Heath said frozen food should not be discarded, and advised consumers to carry on eating meat unless told otherwise.
The FSA has asked UK firms to test all processed beef foods, but said it did not "suspect there is any health issue with frozen food".
And Mr Heath said the government's advice was "exactly that" of the FSA.

That’s good because I like horses-roasted, grilled, fried, minced and especially anti inflamed....

 But if you are into dobbin dinners here are a couple of cheap, tasty recipes:

Pot-au-feu de cheval (horse stew)

Take meat of the second class (flank, topside, collar), place in cold water and cook over a gentle fire, removing the foam and grease as you bring it to the boil. Add salt, a clove of garlic, caramelised onion and a colouring of vegetables, such as leek, turnip, celery, cabbage etc. Leave to cook for seven or eight hours on a moderate fire.

Cheval à la Parisienne

Cook turnips in horse grease; add boiled horsemeat in thin rashers, with salt and pepper; wet with a little horse bouillon; add parsley, chives or shallots, and a dash of vinegar.


Num,num, num....


A group of survivalists is inviting people to apply for places in a walled, medieval-style city it wants to build in the woods of northern Idaho.
The proposed fortress community, where residents would be required to own weapons and stand ready to defend the compound if society collapses, would have room inside for up to 7,000 families.
The citadel's promoter, Christian Kerodin was convicted in 2004 on federal extortion charges, and on charges that he illegally possessed a firearm when he posed as a counter-terrorism expert trying to coerce shopping mall owners to hire him to improve security.

He served 30 months in federal prison.
Apparently the compound's primary goal is defending "against a grid-down economic collapse scenario".

Residents would be required to stock enough food and water to last a year.
A 1,200sq ft house in the citadel would cost $686 (£438) a month, whether it was located within or outside the compound's walls.
Allegedly several hundred people have already paid a $208 (£133) fee to apply to live there.
The on-site gun factory would manufacture semi-automatic pistols and AR-15-style rifles, the type of weapon used in the December massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut,

Ah, the old Idaho survivalist I want your money ploy....


It seems that after many, many years “ladies” will finally be allowed to wear trousers in “gay” Paris.
A French politician has now decriminalised potentially thousands of Parisian women by saying that the law is incompatible with modern French values.
Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the minister for women's rights, said in a statement that while the order had not been taken off the statutes, it had been made irrelevant by changes in French law.
She said: "This order was aimed, first of all, at limiting the access of women to certain offices or occupations by preventing them from dressing in the manner of men.
"This order is incompatible with the principles of equality between women and men. From that incompatibility stems the implicit abrogation of the order."
City chiefs had originally issued the order in 1800 forcing women to seek permission from police if they wanted to "dress like a man".
The order was later amended in 1892 and 1909 to allow women to wear trousers if they were "holding a bicycle handlebar or the reins of a horse."

Or a burger, lasagne, sausage or any other part of an  equus ...


A Japanese railway company on Friday unveiled a new Shinkansen bullet train featuring an improved brake system that can reduce the stopping distance to 300-400 meters while speeding at 270 kilometres per hour.
The Central Japan Railway Company said the upgraded brake system would enhance safety during emergencies like earthquakes.
A large number of railway users witnessed the departure of the company's first upgraded train -- N700A -- from the Tokyo station on Friday morning, Japan's NHK broadcaster reported.
The new model's top speed remains at 270 kilometres per hour, but its improved brake system can reduces its stopping distance from top speed by 300 to 400 meters while the current model requires three to four kilometres to stop.
The railway has been focusing on faster speeds to reduce travel time between Tokyo and Osaka, but the new model instead emphasizes safety in the event of earthquakes or other contingencies, when stopping time is crucial in avoiding serious accidents.
The new model's computer-controlled system also maintains a constant speed regardless of terrain. The company plans to operate the new train between Osaka and Hakata in western Japan also from March 16.

Spiffing 167.77 MPH to zero in 437.445319 yards; hope they have installed airbags....

And finally:

And more than 900,000 pounds Rowan Atkinson’s McLaren F1 is back on the road, Ben Stagg, specialty insurer with RK Harrison, said the quality components used to make an F1 are one reason the repair costs were so high.
All modern supercars are predominantly carbon fibre - most Lamborghinis, most Ferraris - and the smallest ding in carbon fibre is a big repair job," he said. "And part of the engine bay is gold, that's the best heat conductor. It's the materials they used compared to everyday cars that make it so expensive."
He said many owners baby their expensive cars, driving them only a few times a year in perfect weather conditions, but Atkinson actually drives his McLaren extensively.
The unusual repair job, thought to involve one of the largest car insurance settlements in British history, is extensively documented in Classic & Sports Car magazine, with a picture of the burgundy McLaren on the cover.
Atkinson, last seen by many playing piano as Mr. Bean during the opening ceremony of the London Olympics, told the magazine he believes supercars should be used, not sequestered in garages.
"It depresses me when great cars are hidden away," he said. "It's a crime not to use it."

Funny that, the last motor I had that was damaged had a crack in the bumper-and was written orf, must be using the wrong insurance company...

Today’s thought:
one way to cut the cost of funerals

And today’s mellow melody-or neigh as the case may be



Thursday 7 February 2013

The Mid-Staffs killing fields

After many years and unbridled effort from relatives and carers Robert Francis QC has managed to produce about a couple of thousand pages of “report” and quite a lot of “recommendations” regarding the Mid Staffs Massacre and the rest of the ailing NHS.

Apparently patients who were killed and tortured by lack of water, food, medication and being left to lie in their own faeces and urine were treated thus not because of piss poor treatment but “a systemic failure”, and according to Robert Francis QC “it is clear that the primary responsibility lies with the Trust Board but he is also adamant that scapegoating individuals would be a mistake. To do so merely allows others to duck responsibility. The main purpose of the Inquiry was to learn lessons for the future rather than perpetuate a cycle of 'defensiveness and concealment'.”

And goes on to say that “At the core of the failure was a culture of defensiveness to complaints and a lack of openness. Management was distracted by organisational churn and meeting targets rather than seeing what was happening to the patients in their care.”

Interesting but bollocks, as with “Ms” death at the hands of an almost Foundation Trust (at the time-2005) the “blame” was put on “system failures”-NAH:

Yes the “board” and the CEO are ultimately responsible, but the Medical Director and the Nursing Director are directly responsible for the Doctors and Nurses under them as the Consultants and Sisters are directly responsible for those on the front line who are responsible for the treatment given to patients.

These aren’t “systems” they are people who should and do know better, they are so called “professionals” who are happy to take the kudos and money but lack basic humanity and morals.

I don’t accept that no one should be held to account, forget the NHS “complaints” system which never worked and never will, forget the RCN and the piss poor GMC, what we need are criminal prosecutions, not for revenge or “scapegoating” but justice, if I held someone against their will and starved them, left them in agony and abused them until they died I would be hauled up before the beak at a rate of knots, so what is the difference between that and nurses and doctors who took oaths not to do harm treating the old and sick in the same way.

We need a purge, it is time to hold all those gutless, cruel, uncaring killers to account, prosecute the murdering bastards, don’t just strike them off from the “registers” throw them in prison for the statutory sentence they deserve, and bring charges of corporate manslaughter against the CEO, the board and all the other managers that allowed the culture of see no, hear no, speak no evil to propagate.

The Hospital allegedly has “a vision”:

Our Vision is to be recognised as the safest & most caring Trust in the NHS. This vision sums up everything we want to achieve and supports the Trust’s 5 strategic Themes which continue to be the focus of our effort and measurement of improvement.

Creating a culture of caring

Seeing zero harm as our target by keeping patients safe

Listening, responding and acting on what our patients and community are telling us

Supporting our staff to become excellent: giving responsibility but holding to account as well

Continuing to do what we need to do to satisfy our regulators

Far too fucking little far too fucking late....

And let’s not forget that this isn’t an isolated case, torture and murder are rife in our NHS, your local Foundation Trust is killing patients as you read this, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters are dying because of lack of “care”, bad decisions by doctors and nurses, the focus on financial targets instead of care of the sick, the need to cover up, lie cheat and deceive so that they can continue to advance their careers, the old boy’s GMC club and the “non disclosure” letters that help to keep the truth from us.

Is most of the NHS doing a wonderful job-probably, are there an undisclosed number of Foundation Trusts that manage to maim, ruin people’s lives and kill-definitely.

Is there proper redress for patients and relatives of those harmed by the “caring” professions-NAH, will there ever be-probably not; will the all pervading culture of “not my problem” change-I hope so, can we look forward to being treated with dignity, care and professionalism when we are unfortunate enough to end up in hospital-you tell me.

Because if it wasn’t for the efforts of Julie Bailey and others who had the balls to stand up and confront the “system” we would be none the wiser.


(normal service will resume when I can be arsed)

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Still alive but not gay

Just a quick one to let All and Sundry know that I am not in the underworld, this daft old fart’s health is fine and dandy, an even his Maj is slowly recovering his confidence, although he hasn’t been near a window for weeks.

Now, I am in no way averse to those who wish to shove shit or pummel pussy with members of their own sex, to be honest I really don’t give Homo’s erogenous zone or a dykes do-dah what they get up to in the privacy of their own abodes.

But it now seems that Dick will now be able to give Tom’s ring a legal standing whilst Harry stands in as best man or “Luce” can wed “Corky” thanks to Dave (my god this closet is very dark) Cameron and half  the rest of the 100% non gay coalition.

What does make me a bit miffed is the fact that when “M” and I (who were/are in no way religious) married it was a “civil” ceremony in an albeit “posh” manor house we considered it to be legal and binding between two people who wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, and as the big wordy book says “a union between man and woman”, but now it seems that anyone can “marry” anyone who bears the same genital configuration with the blessing of the state which in my humble opinion has reduced the status of the 37 years we spent together to that of a “second class” event.

I am probably wrong being of a very different generation but it doesn’t seem to be about “equality” it seems to be about U-Turn Cam and his cronies trying to up their percentage of the vote by pandering to the PC twats who seem to run the country by proxy and keep coming up with “ideas” designed to sate the needs of a very small minority while the rest of us slip dahn the plughole of despair penniless, homeless and jobless.

Apparently we now live in a democracy that is about as “by the people, for the people” as the ex-Nazi El Papa’s “religion” whose followers live in a constant state of fear and depression.

That’s what I think anyway... 

Back to my hibernation; until the Mid Staffs thing explodes.


Wednesday 30 January 2013

Standards of EU existence: Tone and the Poles: EU child benefits: Tatler Bollocks: “In Vitro” Meat: Going dahn in China: and Power Gnomes.

Medium amounts of skywater, middling atmospheric movement, minimal lack of warm and the threat of solar stuff at the Castle this morn, his Maj seems to be well on the way to being well, the butler is out scouting for fat, carbon neutral teenagers and I am orf dahn the tahn to get some things.

Broke Blighty risks seeing its standard of living hit if it leaves the European Union, the Pimco top knob reckons that beyond 2017, Poland rather than the UK will be among the three largest economies defining the scale and scope of European regional integration. “Let’s hope that he also has a Plan B that would limit the potential downside to Britain’s standard of living.”
Pimco is among the world’s most influential investment funds, managing assets worth nearly $2 trillion (£1.3 trillion). Andrew Balls – brother to shadow chancellor Ed Balls – is an executive in Pimco’s European unit.
Mr El-Erian said that while the promise of an in-out EU referendum was likely to “score some internal political points” it risked “some reduction in the country’s growth”.

Oh har fucking har, what growth, what standard of living, what a plonker...


Ex Prime Monster Tone (I have run out of walnut varnish) Bliar has been given an award by businessmen in Poland to thank him for opening up the UK to Polish workers.
Tone was given the award at the annual Polish Business Leaders' Awards in Warsaw.

But he didn’t even “bovver” to turn up to attend the ceremony and his award was accepted on his behalf by Robin Barnett, Britain’s ambassador in Poland.

Bliar was given the award for backing the country’s efforts to join the EU and well as opening up the British labour market to the country in 2004.

A message of thanks featuring was reportedly screened at the ceremony in which the former prime monster said he has “a lot of admiration for Poland and the Polish people”.


Old coat hanger gob will probably have it on EBay by Thursday...

Allegedly Poland is home to the highest number of children in the EU and beyond who are receiving benefits claimed in Britain with– 25,659 – receiving welfare.
Just under 30,000 families with 50,000 children are claiming child benefits and tax credit for offspring who live outside the country but within the EU, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
Parents can claim child benefits of £20.30 a week for their eldest child and £13.40 a week for each of their other children, while child tax credit is worth at least £545 a year.

Treasury minister Sajid Javid said: ‘The main purpose of child benefit and the child tax credit is to support families in the UK. Consequently, the rules for these benefits generally do not provide for them to be paid in respect of children who live abroad.’

He said Britain was forced to pay out the sums to children living overseas under a European regulation which protects the social security rights of nationals of all EEA member states.

The data will add to concerns about the impact of an expected wave of immigration from Romania and Bulgaria when temporary controls lapse at the end of the year.

That’s something to look forward to....isn’t it?


The Duckess of Cambridge’s dog has been voted the 50th most fascinating person in Britain.
The pet cocker spaniel was awarded the accolade by Tatler magazine, which compiled the honours from the most searched individuals on its online ‘Tatler List’ of notable figures.
Owner Kate was placed seventh in the list while the Duck of Cambridge Prince William came in at 16th.
Her old Maj was the highest ranking royal, Kate’s sister Pippa Middleton was placed fourth in the list, second out of the royals, while Prince Harry was awarded sixth place.
Other members of the Royal Family who made it onto the prestigious list include Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice, ranked ninth and 15th respectively, and Prince Philip who was voted in at number 36.
Sports presenter Clare Balding was voted the most fascinating person in Britain in the list, which will be published in Tatler on Friday.

Can’t wait for that....


People like to eat meat despite the “personal health impact of frequent meat consumption, such as heart disease, obesity and cancer, or even the welfare of animals”.
But now there may be a solution: - scientists may have come up with artificial meat. Also known as ‘in vitro’ or ‘cultured meat’ and occasionally as ‘Franken-meat’, biological researchers are trying to find ways to make this “desirable” food product sustainably in laboratories.
The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta), who have put up hefty cash reward to anyone who can successfully produce and bring to market in vitro chicken.
They have offered a $1m (£630,000) reward to the fist scientist to come up with in vitro meat. They launched the incentive in 2008 and the deadline has just been extended to June this year.
According to “someone” ‘We’re running out of water, land and time and our health budgets for meat-related diseases are through the roof. What a dream come true if you can give them meat without cruelty, environmental damage and clean as a whistle.’

Oh num fucking num, meat that isn’t.


An entire building complex in China's southern Guangdong province has gorn dahn a sinkhole, the group of buildings was totally swallowed by the hole which appeared near the construction site of a new underground train station in Guangzhou, one of China's biggest cities.
The first building collapsed at 1620 local time (0820 GMT). The other three buildings then fell into the ten metre hole later that evening, according to China state television CCTV.
Around 300 residents from the surrounding area had to be evacuated and nearby roads were closed off.
No one was injured in the incident and an investigation was launched into what caused the hole to appear.  

“Near the construction site of a new underground train station” I wonder......

And finally:

Small paintings of gnomes that have popped up on utility poles have become a community sensation in Oakland, prompting Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to say Tuesday that it will keep them in place for now.
The hand-painted portraits on 6-inch blocks of wood began going up last year in an apparent effort to brighten up the blue-collar California city. There are currently more than 2,000 of the images on utility poles, with many screwed to the bases.
The gnomes have red hats, white beards and brown shoes. Some of the images contain a mushroom.
Word that PG&E planned to remove the paintings sparked an outpouring of support from residents who said the gnomes add character to the city.
PG&E spokesman Jason King planned to meet Tuesday with the artist, who requested to remain anonymous, and a member of the City Council. The utility hopes to eventually relocate the gnome paintings from the poles to other spots in the same neighbourhoods.
"We've received a lot of feedback from residents who love the gnomes," King told The Associated Press. "We're looking for solutions. We'll keep them where people can enjoy them."
King said PG&E did not want to encourage such installations, explaining a proliferation of such images could cause damage or make it difficult for crews to access the poles.

Magnanimous of them.... 


Today’s thought:
Polish plumber


And today’s mellow melody-eventually.



Tuesday 29 January 2013

Mali marauder: Go Debt goes over the top: £150 Bacon butty: 15 Women and Jesus: Bad investment: Herr Boobs: and The Kitchen Thing.

Massive amounts of lack of warm, monumental amounts of atmospheric movement, more than enough skywater and miserly amounts of solar stuff at the Castle this morn, you may be pleased to know that my “mellow” period is now over and all is back to “normal” or not.


His Maj had a bit of a relapse over the weekend and I had to take him back to the nice Vet chap yestermorn who gave him another “once over” jabbed him with some anti inflammatories and antibiotics and shoved the equivalent of a broom handle up his rear exit (his Maj not the nice Vet chap), and sent us away with some bug killer that I have to “administer” either into his Maj’s mouth or on his food.

 I do like an optimist, but the snuffling is getting better and his Maj isn’t doing too badly either.


U-turn Cam has assured Francois Hollande, the French president, that he “fully” supports his government’s attempt to oust Islamist militants in the North African state.
An “official spokesman” indicated that the UK could now send more military assets to Mali.
Apparently “we” are ready to offer logistical, intelligence and surveillance help to France, as well as troops for a proposed EU mission to train the Malian army - although he has ruled out a combat role for British personnel.
Downing Street reiterated that no UK troops will be put into a combat role in Mali.

That’s nice: it must be recompense for all the help the French gave us in the Falklands.....


Widow Brenda Caines, from Warsash was chased for a £97,000 debt which had grown from a £3,600 car loan originally taken out by her late husband.
Phil Caines started an agreement in 2004 for a 1998 Vauxhall Vectra with Yes Car Credit; returning the car when he fell behind on repayments.
Yes Car Credit closed and the debt was transferred to a purchasing company.
Shortly afterwards, Mrs Caines remortgaged her home to pay for a new kitchen and added her husband's name to the deeds.
She was unaware he was in financial difficulty and about to be declared bankrupt.
Mr Caines died suddenly in 2009 and his debt was transferred to his wife.
Go Debt, who bought the debt from the Yes Car Credit and began pursuing Mrs Caines for the money.
By this time, solicitor and trustee fees had seen the debt grow to £97,000.

The BBC's Inside Out programme took Mrs Caines' case to consumer lawyers who, following months of negotiations, managed to save her home.
Solicitor Dean Dunham said: "a £97,000 fee on a £6,000 bankruptcy is not right”.
Mr Dunham has also managed to reduce her debt to £20,000, including trustee fees of £10,000.
In a statement, the trustee's office said: "Since being appointed in June 2010, the trustee has taken every step to fulfil his statutory duties as sensitively as possible.
Go Debt declined to comment-now there’s a surprise, no wonder Blighty is such a shit hole....

You could throw caution to the wind and treat yourself to a nice bacon butty at the miserly cost of 150 squids, Made from rare breed bacon topped with black truffle, it is finished with saffron and a dusting of real gold on the bun.
The snazzy snack – dubbed Bacon Bling – was created by restaurateur Paul Phillips, 41.
He got the idea from TV shows about pimped-up street food in the US, where a New York restaurant sold a hamburger for £2,839.
“I’ve never seen a bacon butty on these shows so I decided to make one,” he said.
Now he hopes he will get into Guinness World Records with the super sarnie, which is on the menu at Tangberry’s in Cheltenham, Glos – with proceeds going to charity.

Piggin expensive though.....


15 women gathered at Jacquie Hagler’s house for a jewellery party when a gun wielding “intruder” burst in, "It's only a water gun," one attendee reportedly said, while brushing away the firearm allegedly brandished by Derick Lee, who entered the home wearing a ski mask and bandana across his face.

Witnesses say Lee then held the gun to the woman’s head and announced, "I'm not joking, I'm going to shoot someone, give me your money." He even showed the women some of the bullets loaded into his gun before they could be convinced the robbery attempt was real.

And the bible bashing ladies response:
"When I realized what was going on, I stood up and said, 'In the name of Jesus, get out of my house now,'” Hagler told WJXT-TV. And he said, 'I'm going to shoot someone.' And I said it again, real boldly," Hagler continued. "Everybody started chanting, 'Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,' and he did a quick scan of the room, and ran out the door as fast as he could go."
Lee, 24, was arrested Friday night at his home and identified by several of the jewellery party attendees during a police photo line-up. He’s currently being held on a $200,000 bond.

Don’t mess with the “word” especially when there are fifteen women chanting it.


Karl Baxter snapped up a bargain batch of 10,000 DVDs about one of the world’s most famous sportsmen hoping for nice profit.
Unfortunately he is facing a £10,000 loss on the deal – because the star he planned to cash in on was shamed cyclist Lance Armstrong.

Karl, 36, has been unable to sell a single DVD since the American confessed he used drugs to win his seven Tour de France titles.

Having bought the DVDs for £1 each wholesale, he hoped to sell them for £3. Now he has slashed the asking price to 30p, which would still leave him £7,000 out of pocket.

Karl said ““I bought them at a good price for about £1 each about four months ago”.

“The idea was to sell them in small job lots of 100 for about £3 each, so traders could go on eBay, Amazon, or car boot sales and sell them on. There was a slight amount of risk and a gamble because there was a suspicion, but he wasn’t admitting to it, so I put them on the website last week.”

The Science of Lance Armstrong, made in 2006 by the Discovery Channel, tells how Armstrong’s “winning strategies” were developed and looks at technology cyclists can use to help them go faster.

Especially the kind of “technology” that comes in tablet form.....


Members of an elite German military Guards battalion have been presenting to the doctor with an unusual problem: man boobs.
Dozens of soldiers in the Wachbataillon unit are said to be suffering from gynecomastia, on the left side only, reports the German Herald.
The problem is said to be caused in this case by the repetitive slamming of heavy rifles into the soldiers’ chests during drills.
The action stimulates glands to produce hormones which lead to growth of breast tissue. A positive diagnosis of gynecomastia has been made in 74 per cent of cases where battalion members presented with concerns.
Director of plastic surgery at the military hospital in Berlin, Professor Bjorn Krapohl, confirmed: "There is a very significant link between the activity in the Guard Battalion and the development of the breast on the left side.
"They need to change the way they drill. The constant slamming of the rifles against the left hand side of the chest is clearly a significant factor," he added.
Army officials are investigating and say they will modify the drills if necessary.

Or they could invent half a bra for the Herr boobs.

And finally:


Comes the essential gadget for your culinary space-the Kitchen “thing”.

Today’s thought:
Bacon rules


And today’s mellow melody:



Monday 28 January 2013

What is this life......

“I wish”- an ode to old farts.


What is this life if full of care
I really wish I still had hair
I really wish that I could see
And didn’t have that smell of pee
I wish that every time I farted
My bowels and contents were not parted
I wish I still had all me teef
And weren’t so wrinkly underneath
I wish my hearing didn’t whistle
And that my todger was a missile
I wish my body didn’t creak
And that my poor old knees weren’t weak
I wish my brain would work much better
And I was still a young go-getter
I wish that time would go more slowly
And that my old face weren’t so jowly

I wish my paunch was much, much smaller
And that I was a lot, lot taller
I wish that I could see to shop
And read those labels from bottom to top

I wish that every time I shower
All my bits didn’t run for cover
I wish that both my man boobs
Didn’t reach dahn to my pubes

I wish the hair in ears and nose
Had much less cons and much more pros
I wish that when I have a pee
It didn’t look like old cold tea


I wish my joints were nice and easy
And that my old chest weren’t so wheezy
I wish I wish I really do
That life was easy and not poo



Sunday 27 January 2013


Not a flake of white fluffy stuff, massive amounts of atmospheric movement, horizontal amounts of skywater and still bugger all solar stuff at the Castle this morn. 

No post yesterday the thaw made the interweb thingy go tits up but it did give me time to have a bit of a cogitate about life then and now.

As I sit here in my nice centrally heated Castle with its double glazing, cavity wall insulation and about two feet of loft stuff what is left of my left handed brain cell did a bit of time travel back to the 1950s, 60s, 70s and all the decades since then to today.
Joni Mitchell (both sides) 1970


Ain’t life strange; I seem to remember endless hot summer days, annual white Crimbo’s, freezing winters, the sound of the coal fire, a hot brick wrapped in a towel to keep my bed warm, a loo that was almost outside, a bath that had to be filled with a bucket, the smell of washing being boiled in the gas fired copper.

Sunday dinner around the crowded table, beef, chicken or pork with all the trimmings-tatties, cabbage, sprouts and carrots from the veg patch, fruit from the apple, pear and cherry trees, gooseberries and blackberries straight from the bushes, sharing a bedroom with two brothers, bread and lard, homemade strawberry jam from the jam jar, long days, short nights, fun, happiness, feeling loved and protected.

Listening to the Goons on the radio, and then suddenly a very small black and white TV appeared; discovering music, reading “proper” books for many an hour, filling my mind with words and scenes from all over the world and beyond.

Growing up, seeing a banana for the first time, helping dad work on his motorbike, going dahn to see grandma by the sea, going out on boats around the Solent with the old man and uncles to catch whatever was daft enough to take the freshly dug up bait.

Growing up a bit more, going to the “big school”, spending every day at the swimming pool during the summer holidays with a load of mates, finally noticing girls, that first kiss (thank you Moira), growing up some more, being in the choir, being made a “prefect”, listening as my voice changed from alto to baritone, finding hair where I didn’t think hair should be.

Growing up even more, exams, more exams, apprenticeship (mechanical engineering), work, more work, moving out to my own place, more work, meeting “M”, getting married, more work, mortgages, more work, losing mum and dad, losing “M” after 34years that I wouldn’t change for all the money in the world.
Watching “fashion” go from mini-skirts with knee high boots and loons to disco, shoulder pads, dungarees, punk and ever onwards, and back to mini-skirts, music changing from Lonnie Donnegan to pop, glam, electro pop, grunge, garage, hip hop, blood, puss and everything to today’s noise.
Booms, busts, 12 percent interest rates, zero percent interest rates, austerity, unemployment, what seems to be a declining respect for All And Sundry by the young, the NHS, the establishment and the Piss Poor Policies “Government”, watching my savings evaporate, my private pension dwindling and looking forward to getting my bus pass in five weeks time.

More work, getting older, listening to the joints creaking, making that funny noise when I get up or bend dahn, spending much more time in the toilet, “retiring”, blogging, waiting....


It really is a funny old life.
Joni Mitchell (both sides) 2000.


